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1. Repairing of sequential plans in dynamic environments by Γουίδης, Φίλιππος Ε.
2. Efficient and Accurate Block-Level Dependence Analysis For Task Dataflow Models by Παπατριανταφύλλου, Άγγελος Ιωάννης
3. Voicing detection in spontaneous and real-life recordings from music lessons by Γιαννικάκη, Σοφία Ελπινίκη Σ.
4. Effect and mechanism of action of neurosteroids in inflammation -induced analgesia by Πουλάκη, Σμαράγδα
5. Εδαφική μικροβιακή ποικιλότητα και βλάστηση σε Μεσογειακά οικοσυστήματα by Μπεκρής, Φώτιος Γ.
6. Estimation and control of the False Discovery Rate in Bayesian Network Skeleton Identification, with Application to Biological Data by Αρμέν, Αγγελος Πασχάλης
7. Monotone quantities on complete riemannian manifolds with non-negative Ricci curvature by Τοπουκτζίδης, Θεόφιλος