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1. Wizard of AmI: a system for building and enacting interactive prototypes in intelligent environments by Αραμπατζής, Δημήτριος Γ.
2. A qualitative, quantitative and user-based methodology of automated machine learning systems evaluation by Ξανθόπουλος, Ιορδάνης Π.
3. Service Composition and Service-level Agreements in Open Distributed Systems by Μαραζάκης, Μανόλης
4. Collaborative Ontology - based Information Indexing and Retrieval by Τζίτζικας, Ιωάννης
5. Exploring molecular mechanisms of neutrophil interaction with the fungal cell wall by Σερτεδάκης, Ματθαίος Ν.
6. ProteoSign 2.0 : A differential expression analysis tool for Proteomics data by Θεοδωράκης, Ευάγγελος