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1. Ultrafast opto-acoustic processes and devices by Παπαδοπούλου, Ελισσάβετ Α.
2. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of chronic respiratory diseases in Primary Health Care settings : the FRESH AIR project. A focus on Crete. by Αναστασάκη, Μαριλένα
3. Ιοντική σύσταση αερολυμάτων στην ΝΑ Μεσόγειο (Φινοκαλιά 2022- 2023) by Παπαζαχαρία, Δροσούλα Στυλιανή
4. Acoustic and optical characterization of soft biological matter and biopolymers by Χρονάκη, Δήμητρα Ι
5. Mechanisms of local translation in the adult nervous system after injury by Χολέβας, Αναστάσιος