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1. Real-time optimization of Context-Aware Adaptive User Interfaces, for Enhanced Situational Awarenes by Στεφανίδη, Ζηνοβία Κ.
2. The Upper Palaeolithic rock art in the Tagus Valley Rock Art Complex (context, style and chronology) / Dionysios Danelatos. by Δανελάτος, Διονύσιος
3. Essays in corporate governance and labor relations : a game-theoretic approach by Σκαρτάδος, Παναγιώτης
4. Towards more active and stable BVMOs via protein engineering by Μιχαλοπούλου, Χριστίνα Δ.
5. The role of hypercholesterolemia in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis and the immune cell metabolism by Κακαλέ, Ασημίνα