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1. Defending against known and unknown attacks using a network of affined honeypots by Αντωνάτος, Σπυρίδων Παναγιώτη
2. Benchmarking anomaly detectors on streaming data by Γιαννούλης, Μιχαήλ Ι.
3. Μελέτη της ευαισθησίας των μπαρτονέλλων στις κινολόνες by Αγγελάκης, Εμμανουήλ
4. Performance Analysis and Pricing in Broadban d Networks by Σύρης, Βασίλειος Αναστάσιος
5. Dynamics and kinetics in soft matter systems : effect of light and shear in concentrated polydiene solutions and colloidal suspensions by Παμβούξογλου, Ανδρέας
6. Tailoring the rheology of suspensions and composites by altering shape and compositions by Parisi, Daniele