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1. Εκτίμηση καρδιαγγειιακού κιινδύνου σε ωφελούμενο πληθυσμό χαμηλών οιικονομιικών πόρων της Κρήτης by Τσιτσιριδάκη, Μαρία Αγγελική
2. Analysis of evolution, dynamics and vulnerabilities of online social networks by Αντωνακάκη, Δέσποινα
3. Applications of machine learning and computational methods in the prediction of cardiovascular remodeling by Αγγελάκη, Ελένη Ε.
4. The role of innate immune response in the pathogenesis of parenchymal and vascular lung diseases by Βεργαδή, Ελένη
5. Multi-modal data integration using machine and deep learning techniques for predicting high-level clinical outcomes of non-small cell lung cancer patients by Τριβιζάκης, Ελευθέριος