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1. Άνδρες που πολεμάνε με ξύλινα σπαθιά και άνδρες που πολεμάνε με υγρόν πυρ by Πιοτόπουλος, Παρασκευάς
2. Multi-modal data integration using machine and deep learning techniques for predicting high-level clinical outcomes of non-small cell lung cancer patients by Τριβιζάκης, Ελευθέριος
3. Analysis of whole exome sequencing data of patients with neurological and renal dosorders by Δράκος, Μηνάς Χρυσοβαλάντης
4. Computational modeling of observational learning inspired by the cortical underpinnings of human and monkey primates by Χουρδάκης, Εμμανουήλ Μηνάς