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1. Distributed algorithms for support vector machine training in wireless sensor networks by Φλουρή, Καλλιρρόη Εμμανουήλ
2. Full - body pose tracking under severe occlusions - the top view reprojection approach by Σιγάλας, Μάρκος Μαρίνος
3. Study on the effect of misinformation in multi-agent systems by Βάρσος, Κωνσταντίνος Α
4. Human skeletal remains from "Kefali" of Kastelli Pediados, central Crete : study and comparative analysis of health status by Ζυγούρη, Βασιλική
5. Interpreting data anomalies: from descriptive to predictive anomaly explanations by Μυρτάκης, Νικόλαος Ε.
6. Προς μια μεθοδολογία για αποδοτική παράλληλη υλοποίηση διεργασιών ανάλυσης εικόνων by Δαμιανάκης, Αδάμ Κ
7. Efficient and accurate feature selection, with extensions for multiple solutions and to big data by Μπορμπουδάκης, Γεώργιος
8. Service Composition and Service-level Agreements in Open Distributed Systems by Μαραζάκης, Μανόλης
9. Οροεπιδημιολογική και κλινική μελέτη της νόσου εξ'ονύχων γαλής στην Κρήτη by Μηναδάκης, Γεώργιος
10. Measuring internet connectivity between user populations using active measurements by Γκίγκης, Πέτρος Χ