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1. Single-electron quantum states in gold nanostructures by Ραπτάκης, Αντώνιος
2. Direct communication and synchronization mechanisms in chip multiprocessors by Καββαδίας, Σταμάτης
3. Visual detection of independent 3d motion by a moving observer by Αργυρός, Αντώνιος Α
4. Towards more active and stable BVMOs via protein engineering by Μιχαλοπούλου, Χριστίνα Δ.
5. Γνώση ασφάλειας και υγιεινής τροφίμων των χειριστών τροφίμων, σε επιχειρήσεις υγειονομικού ενδιαφέροντος by Αγιαννιωτάκη, Ειρήνη
6. Selection of Relevant Features for Audio Classification tasks by Μαρκάκη, Μαρία Γεώργιος
7. Sparse representations and coupled dictionary learning for the enhancement of computational imaging systems by Φωτιάδου, Κωνσταντίνα Π