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Identifier uch.chemistry.msc//2004saloustrou
Title Αξιολόγηση της μεταβολικής ικανότητας βακτηριακών στελεχών, απομονωμένων από υγρά απόβλητα ελαιουργείων, ως προς τη μείωση πολυφαινολών και ολικού οργανικού φορτίου
Alternative Title An evalution of bacterial strains metabolic ability, isolated from olive mill wastewaters, towards the reduction of polyphenols and total organic load
Author Σαλούστρου, Καλλιόπη
Abstract Olive mill wastewaters (OMWW) constitute an important pollutant factor in the Mediterranean countries where 97% of the world olive oil is produced. Important restoration efforts have taken place in the past, using fungi. Even though bacteria based investigations are limited, they have produced optimistic results relating with the reduction of polyphenols, which are the major polluting ingredients from OMWW, which due to the oxidation and polymerization process, are transformed to very toxic chemical compounds for the environment. Within this present thesis, the ability of 20 random bacterial strains to decrease phenolics and total organic load of OMWW is examined. Results were very encouraging, considering that the bacterial strains studied, grew with ease in OMWW and some, managed to significantly decrease the total organic load, in some cases as much as 69% in 24 hours. One of the strains studied and found to decrease phenolics, displayed the ability to decolorize a phenolic compounds mixture, which under normal circumstances, turns black within 24 hours. Some other strains even though did not decolorize the mixture, had the ability to produce significant amounts hydroxytyrosol, an important antioxidant phenolic compound.
Language Greek
Issue date 2004
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Chemistry--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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