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Identifier 000442766
Title Απομάγευση του κόσμου : εκκοσμίκευση της θρησκείας και ψυχαναλυτική θεωρία
Alternative Title Demystification of the world : secularization of religion and psychoanalytic theory
Author Κουρκούνας, Θωμάς
Thesis advisor Ρωμανός Βασίλης
Reviewer Γκούνης Κωνσταντίνος
Μουζακίτης Άγγελος
Abstract Modernity is marked at the basis of a secularization process of the world in almost all aspects of social life. This process is in line with the simultaneous collapse of the religious model and the parallel emergence of rationalism and the scientific view of the world that undertakes to give definitive answers. Psychoanalysis is part of the larger program of secularization, so a critique o both religion and rationalism, that has replaced it, to the extent that the discovery of the unconscious and fragmentary human identity, deconstructs the notion of the rational subject that is supposed mature to guide himself regulatory in the world. On the basis of this dual status and through Freud, we will attempt to investigate whether psychoanalysis could guide the modern human in the world in the context of enlightenment. Through Freud’s work and mainly through his metapsychology, we will find the intensity of human and the way of social man construction, through the denaturation of basic impulses (Love, Death), which is o process of compensation, which produces stress and guilt, especially in modern times. According to Freud religion based on the foundation of God in the biological father of the Oedipus complex. According to the Freudian critique, religion is not legitimized either officially or utilitarian, nor through the past. It is an illusion and an incorrect denaturing mechanism. The Freudian emergence of science as the ‘authentic vehicle’ of culture and the ‘education in reality’ will help man to accept that he determines his own destiny according to the Enlightenment. However Freud does not show optimism for complete secularization. He also considers that to the extent that science is presented as law-abiding knowledge, it encounters the impossibility of rational access to the unconscious motive of human behavior. The tension between conscious/ superego and person/society creates discomfort, mainly in modern times. Reconciliation in culture, which is a central demand of the Enlightenment, is considered structurally limited. Freud seems to subscribe to an open story without a priori happy or unhappy ending
Language Greek
Subject Death
Issue date 2021-09-07
Collection   School/Department--School of Social Sciences--Department of Sociology--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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