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Identifier 000464886
Title Επίδραση του υπόβαθρου των εκπαιδευτών στην εκμάθηση της καρδιοπνευμονικής αναζωογόνησης και την αυτο-αποτελεσματικότητα (self-efficacy) σε μαθητές γυμνασίου
Alternative Title The effect of peer-education training on CPR knowledge, skill retention and self-efficacy levels of secondary school students
Author Σπαρτινού, Αναστασία
Thesis advisor Παπαϊωάννου, Αλεξάνδρα
Reviewer Αγγουριδάκης, Παναγιώτης
Ιωάννου, Χρήστος
Νότας, Γεώργιος
Φυντανίδου, Βαρβάρα
Νύκταρη, Βασιλεία
Πολυζωγοπούλου, Ευτυχία
Abstract Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest remains one of the leading causes of death, with a survival rate of less than 5% reported in Greece1. When an event of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest occurs, prompt initiation of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) from bystanders during the first 3-5 minutes after the event, will substantially increase victim’s chances of survival2,3. To achieve a meaningful increase in the number of cases where bystanders perform CPR, more than 25% of a country’s population should be trained in CPR5. The most effective method to accomplish this aim is the integration of CPR training programs into school curriculum, specifically, initiation of CPR 2-hours annual training for all schoolchildren from the age of 12 years. The limited availability of instructor is the main obstacle to the dissemination and preservation over time of CPR training programs for schoolchildren. In the present study, we designed a CPR training program where secondary school students will act as peer-instructors for their classmates. The structure of this program is based on the basic educational principles that are described in the medical literature and have been adopted by the official courses organized by the European Resuscitation Council. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of three different types of potential instructors (healthcare professionals, schoolteacher, or peer-students) on CPR training of secondary school students and on students’ self-efficacy levels. We recruited students from 3 different secondary schools, 2 urban area schools and one rural area school in the Heraklion Region. The study took place over 3 school years (2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020). The first phase of the study included CPR training of all 1st grade secondary school students and their teachers by a group of healthcare professionals. All students and teachers who expressed their interest in becoming instructors attended an instructor’s course, based on the principles of CPR training. During the next phase of this study, the rest of the students were randomized to receive CPR training by either a healthcare professional, a schoolteacher, or a peer – student instructor. A total of 408 students (199 girls) were trained. One hundred and sixty-four were trained by healthcare professionals, 62 by schoolteachers and 182 by peer – instructors. All the students that participated in the second phase of the study were asked to fill in a selfefficacy questionnaire before and immediately after the training. Furthermore, after the training, they were asked to answer a multiple-choice questionnaire (MCQ). Finally, all students underwent formal assessment by an experienced healthcare professional. Chest compressions’ quality was evaluated further using the QCPR (Laerdal®) application incorporated into the Little Annie (Laerdal®) mannequins. Six months after the training, all students were re-evaluated using the same methods. A total of 225 students (125 girls), 62,5 % of the students who were initially trained were available for reassessment. There were no statistically significant differences between the 3 groups regarding factual knowledge immediately after training (p=.226) and at 6 months (p=.867). Immediately after training, more students trained by healthcare professionals or teachers performed safe defibrillation (p=.000), however this finding was dissipated at 6 months re-assessment (p=.202). Compliance with the CPR algorithm and quality of hands-only CPR was not different (p>.05) amongst the groups. Finally, there were no statistically significant differences among the 3 groups regarding the self-efficacy levels reported by students. The main finding of our study was that CPR training of schoolchildren by appropriately trained peers provided similar skill and knowledge retention compared to training by healthcare professionals or teachers. This provides another pool of potential instructors except the known gold-standard, which is the experienced healthcare professional, and increases the possibility of efficient and consistent training projects that can engage a large proportion of the schoolchildren population.
Language Greek, English
Subject Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Issue date 2024-07-26
Collection   School/Department--School of Medicine--Department of Medicine--Doctoral theses
  Type of Work--Doctoral theses
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