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Identifier uch.csd.tcl//2005panagiotakis
Title Τμηματοποίηση Καμπύλης σε Ισομήκη Τμήματα
Alternative Title Curve Segmentation into Equal Segments
Author Παναγιωτάκης, Κώστας
Author Γεωργακόπουλος, Γιώργος
Author Τζιρίτας, Γιώργος
Abstract The curve segmentation is a challenging problem of computational geometry. A huge number of applications are based on signal segmentation like the problems of object recognition and tracking. In this work, we examine the general problem of a 2D continuous curve segmentation into equal segments. A solution on this problem gives an efficient curve representation with low number of coefficients. An inverse transform of the coefficients is defined, that reconstruct with high accuracy the curve. The curve descriptors can be categorized to them that describe the curve orientation, size, curve position and to them that describe just the curve shape. In this report, it is examined and proved the problem of existence at least one solution on the curve segmentation problem into any number of segments. A proof based method can be used to compute at least one solution of the problem. Finally, we propose two algorithms, an algorithm that computes approximately the total of the solutions and a steepest descent based method that converges to a solution.
Language Greek
Issue date 2005-06-30
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Computer Science--Technical reports
  Type of Work--Technical reports
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