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Identifier uch.csd.msc//2007pappas
Title Network Coding
Alternative Title Κωδικοποίηση Δικτύου
Author Pappas, Nikolaos
Thesis advisor Τραγανίτης, Απόστολος
Abstract Network coding is a new research area that is showing promise for interesting applications not only in information and coding theory, but in practical networking systems too. Network Coding generalizes network operation beyond traditional routing or store and forward approaches allowing for mathematical operations (coding) within networks. Ahlswede et al. studied the multicast in a network of lossless links and showed that achieving the multicast capacity requires in general the use of network coding. Further work by various authors showed how to design network codes and also demonstrated new properties of these codes such as distributed design etc. This thesis considers a number of theoretical and practical issues from the network coding perspective. We begin our study with the examination of some networks and the gain we may have by using network coding techniques. In some cases network coding can double our capacity and saves energy in wireless network due to reduced transmissions. We present a simple but efficient algorithm for network coding, which is centralized and can be easily applied to a single source acyclic multicast network. Next we study the problem of finding the alphabet size for a network code. The size of the alphabet plays an important role because the memory requirements and the computational complexity depend on it. We present a method for determining the alphabet size by using only the outgoing channels from the source. Finally, we present a method to reduce the alphabet size for combination networks.
Language Greek
Issue date 2007-09-21
Date available 2007-10-24
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Computer Science--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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