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Identifier 000457691
Title Options, Instructional Practices and Trajectories of EAP and ESP Practitioners [electronic resource] : 3rd International EAP and ESP Conference, 15-18 September 2022
Alternative Title EAP Crete 2022
EAP Crete Conference
Creator International EAP and ESP Conference
Organizer of meeting Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης
Organizer of meeting Κουτράκη, Μαρία
Organizer of meeting Κατσαμποξάκη, Καλλιόπη Γεωργίου
Organizer of meeting Ριζοπούλου, Παναγιώτα (Νόνη)
Physical description 42 PowerPoint presentations, 5 papers, 12 photos, welcome-speech, 1 Poster and programme
Language English
Subject English language Study and teaching (Higher) Foreign students Congresses
English teachers Training of
Issue date 2022
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Computer Science--Publications
  Type of Work--Conference Proceedings
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Ângela Lacerda-Nobre, Amandine Gameiro, Rafael Perez, Rogério Duarte, Marc Jacquine - Paper : Are Humans Failing?: Philosophical Equivoques of Academia and the Role of Assessment and Creativity

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Ilina Doykova, MU-Varna - Paper : Corpus-Aided Instruction and Assessment In English for Pharmacy

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Elis Kakoulli Constantinou - Paper : English for Specific Purposes Teacher Education: Connecting, Collaborating and Developing Through the Use of Technology

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Koufopoulou Dimitra - Paper : A Needs Analysis Approach on Textbook Evaluation: The Case of the ESP Textbook for Mechanical Engineering Students in a Technical Vocational High School Context

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Theoklia Rizouli, Zoe Kantaridou - Paper : Metacognitive Reading Strategy Use and EAP Reading Performance in a Greek University Context.

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