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Identifier 000453860
Title Πιλοτική εφαρμογή ψυχοεκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος γνωστικής - συμπεριφοριστικής θεραπείας σε παιδιά νηπιαγωγείου με στόχο την εκμάθηση ατομικών και κοινωνικών δεξιοτήτων
Alternative Title A pilot study of a psychoeducational intervention based on cognitive behavioral therapy designed to train kindergarten children in personal and social skills
Author Σαμαρά, Ιωάννα
Thesis advisor Κουρκούτας Ηλίας
Reviewer Κυπριωτάκη Μαρία
Ματσόπουλος Αναστάσιος
Abstract Children's ability to manage their emotions, thinking and behavior, as well as their ability to make friends with peers are important conditions for their healthy development. In recent years, the number of preschool children who show difficulties in the above skills is constantly increasing, bringing to the forefront the need for effective and appropriate intervention programs. The purpose of this research, therefore, is to apply and investigate the effectiveness of a short psychoeducational intervention program for toddlers. In the Greek educational system, such intervention programs are rarely applied in a school environment of general education and especially Kindergarten, even though children of preschool age often present problems of emotional and behavioral nature, without necessarily meeting the criteria for granting an official diagnosis. At the same time, the impact of the pandemic of recent years, which according to valid global surveys, has led to the burdened mental health of preschool children, could not be omitted as a factor in the frequency of occurrence of these problems. An originality presented in this program is the combination of the techniques of social-emotional learning and cognitive behavioral therapy, approaches which have been proven effective in dealing with the difficulties that children of this age tend to present. After completing the literature review, the stage of the program design followed. The program was based on scientifically documented intervention programs with proven effectiveness. In addition, during its design, briefness and low budget were set as criteria so that it would be universally applicable. The intervention was piloted in a sample of 12 children aged 4 to 5 years with fourteen group sessions. The results, measured through the psychometric instruments SDQ and TOCA-C, showed statistically significant differences before and after the intervention. In particular, an increase in prosocial behavior was observed, while at the same time emotional problems and externalizing symptoms, such as aggressive and disruptive behavior, decreased.
Language Greek
Subject Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Early childhood
Intervention program
Social-emotional learning
Γνωστική-συμπεριφοριστική θεραπεία
Κοινωνικο-συναισθηματική μάθηση
Νηπιακή ηλικία
Πρόγραμμα παρέμβασης
Issue date 2022
Collection   School/Department--School of Education--Department of Primary education--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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