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Identifier 000276415
Title Δραματοποίηση και Θεατρικό Παιχνίδι στην Πρωτοβάθμια Εκπαίδευση: στάσεις Εκπαιδευτικών και πλαίσιο εφαρμογής στη σχολική Τάξη
Author Ιωακειμίδης, Παντελής
Thesis advisor Μουδατσάκις, Τηλέμαχος
Reviewer Ανδρεαδάκης, Νικόλαος
Κουρκούτας, Ηλίας
Abstract By the official introduction of Dramatic Education in primary schools (1990), the Greek Government aims to invest in this recently created scientific scheme and help teachers succeed in overcoming the increased demands of a specific educational innovation.
The first handbook for the teacher has been published (1993), the initial implementation of the “Melina” program launched and a basic core for the Dramatic Education has been created, with which teachers will be able in order to proceed more efficiently in this particular scientific branch.
With the current assignment we attempt to examine the application framework of Dramatic Play and Dramatization (as patterns of theatre in education) by teachers, always in combination with the modulation of teachers’ attitudes that constitute the research sample related to the referral methods.
In the first part of the assignment we studied the relevant bibliography and located the respective researches that are relevant to our subject. The basic element that stems from the delving into the bibliography is that a notional confusion is apparent in relation with the content of two basic major terms of the current study (Dramatization and Dramatic Play).
Furthermore, with the assistance of the empirical research we proceeded to study the attitudes of teachers towards the assessed methods, the causes that formed these stances and the application extent of Dramatic Play and Dramatization by the teachers in class (combining all its fundamental aspects).
Teachers seem to have positive attitudes towards these methods and try more frequently to apply Dramatization exercises in their classes (especially in the lessons of Language and Social Studies). They do not spend much time during the application on these specific methods and they participate vigorously in the whole effort. They draft their subjects mainly by the school requirements and set specific targets, which they plan to accomplish by the application of Dramatic Play and Dramatization. During the course of these particular applications they undertake a variety of roles in the process.
Lastly, teachers underline their inability to effectively implement these methods and they suggest solutions ,so as to improve the situation.
Language Greek
Issue date 2003
Collection   School/Department--School of Education--Department of Primary education--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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