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Identifier 000397544
Title Η πολύπλευρη κριτική στην κοινοβουλευτική κρίση του ελληνικού Μεσοπολέμου
Alternative Title Multi-faceted criticism towards parliamentarism's crisis during the interwar period
Author Αναστασάκη, Μαρία
Thesis advisor Παπαβλασόπουλος Ευθύμης
Reviewer Γκιούρας Θανάσης
Μαυρομούστακου, Ήβη
Abstract During the interwar period, both in Europe and Greece, parliamentary institutions are going through a deep multi-faceted crisis which affects, among other things, the ideological orientations of politicians, intellectuals and the masses. Democracy shows serious pathologies and dysfunctions, its foundations are proved to be vulnerable and numerous protagonists of the political scene abandon gradually liberal and democratic assumptions and declare for other political governance systems openly. Both liberal values and parliamentarism are denounced as obsolete assumptions and become objects of criticism. Objects of multifaceted criticism by the right and the left intelligentsia, the political leadership and the people. Despite all the differences that exist at the ideological level, everyone agrees that institutions are in crisis and they become their critics. Others, become critical in an absolute and devastating way and others adopting a mild attitude and moderation. In this study, after presenting the critical aspects of the interwar crisis at European and Greek level, we will attempt to selectively glean criticisms of parliamentarism, examining in a comparative way arguments and proposals of major representatives of the Greek theory of politics during the interwar period. We could, therefore, distinguish schematically two key tendencies. The first tendency, unparliamentary and anti-liberal, elaborates alternatives based on radical visions of democratic ideals beyond the institutional horizon of parliamentary democracy. The second tendency, although it typically remains within the framework of parliamentarism and liberal democracy, proposes the active transformation of parliamentarism through the introduction of institutional counterweights capable of dealing with the inherent pathologies of parliamentarism. As examples of the unparliamentary tendency, we will first study the case of the Marxist Seraphim Maximos, who sharply and rigidly criticizes the function of the parliamentary system by identifying it with dictatorship. In the first tendency also belong the supporters of the Metaxas dictatorship, who, however, do not identify the parliamentarism with democracy since they consider that democracy exists even without parliamentary institutions. In the second case of moderate democrats belongs Alexandros Svolos, whose thinking is characterized by moderation and focuses on the social deficit of democracy. The critical issue for each critic is different depending on their ideological starting-point, but all of them agree that parliamentarism is responsible for the suffering of society. In particular, they consider that the State of the parties is responsible for the social suffering, as well as the myths on which it relies, such as the myth of popular sovereignty, popular representation, rights and freedoms. Moreover, the critics are preoccupied with the question of hegemony and the distribution of power focusing their criticism and suggestions on these points. This study is going to deal with these critical issues and present considerations of important intellectuals of the interwar period.
Language Greek
Subject Parliamentarism, criticism
Κοινοβουλευτισμός, κριτική
Issue date 2015
Collection   School/Department--School of Social Sciences--Department of Sociology--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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