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Identifier 000382154
Title Non-linear micro/nanolithography with short-pulse lasers : applications on biomaterials and biosensors
Author Τερζάκη, Κωνσταντίνα
Thesis advisor Μητράκη, Άννα
Reviewer Βαμβακάκη, Μαρία
Φωτάκης, Κωνσταντίνος
Abstract The present PhD thesis focuses on the combination of two strategies: the top-down laser fabrication (i.e. the possibility to control the scaffold geometry and micro-nanotopography) and the bottom-up design possibilities of the self-assembling peptides (driving self-assembly from the nanoscale to millimeter scale) for the development of biocompatible high-precision scaffolds with complex architectures. The positioning and integration of self-assembled peptides into devices fabricated with femtosecond laser technologies was examined for applications in the field of biomaterials and photonics. 3D scaffolds with microscale features were fabricated with Direct femtosecond Laser Writing (DLW). The 3D structures were synthesized using a novel zirconiumcontaining organic-inorganic photosensitive material incorporating a metal-binding organic monomer in order to be further functionalized with metal-binding peptide fibrils. The scaffolds’ resolution in structurability and metallization quality was investigated as well as their mechanical properties and their biocompatibility. The precise positioning of self-assembled peptide fibrils, their controlled assembly and their integration into microsystems was investigated. Conductive 3D metallic micro/nanostructures were fabricated using a silver plating technique and subsequently previously studied metal-binding peptide fibrils were selectively positioned over the metalized structures forming oriented peptide bridges which were metalized in situ. The developed system can be proposed for conductivity measurements of self-assembled peptide fibrils and its use in the field of biosensing is highly envisaged. Based on a previously studied octapeptide building block, bi-functional selfassembling oligopeptides were designed, having acidic amino acids in their sequence in order to nucleate calcium phosphate as well as metal ions. The self-assembled peptide fibrils were positioned on gold-ion functionalized 3D structures and subsequently acted as secondary scaffolds for the deposition of calcium phosphates aiming at hard tissue regeneration. Pre-osteoblastic cell adhesion, proliferation and a statistically significant increase of biomineralization makes the scaffold a promising method for bone tissue engineering.
Language English
Issue date 2014-01-22
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Materials Science and Technology--Doctoral theses
  Type of Work--Doctoral theses
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